Thursday 28 March 2013

Pea & Mint Mousse served with Bacon, Parmesan & Fresh Herb Crumble Recipe

Pea & Mint Mousse served with Bacon, Parmesan & Fresh Herb Crumble (Serves 4)

Ingredients: 200g Fresh or Frozen Peas
                          1 Bunch Fresh Mint
                          3 Gelatine Leaves (Softened)
                          1 Pinch of Sugar
                         75ml Double Cream
                         4 Rashers of Bacon
                         50g Breadcrumbs
                         25g Parmesan
                         1 Lemon (Zest Only)
                         2 Tablespoons Fresh Parsley

1. Bring the water to the boil in a saucepan, then add the peas and mint and boil for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat.

2. Transfer to a blender and blend to a smooth puree, before adding the gelatine add and blend again.

3. Pass the puree through a sieve or shinois into a bowl, then season to taste with sugar, salt and ground black pepper. Set aside to cool completely, about 30 minutes.

4. When the puree is set, whip the double cream to soft peaks and fold it into the puree. Cover the top with cling film and place in the fridge for at least 3-4 hours to allow the mousse to set completely.

5. For the bacon, line a tray with greaseproof paper before laying the bacon on the tray. Place another layer of greaseproof paper on top and flatten with another baking tray. Add some weight on top, such as ovenproof bowls or pans, so the bacon stays flat and doesn't curl up (for presentation purposes). Cook at 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes until crisp.

6. Place the breadcrumbs, parsley, lemon zest and Parmesan on a separate lined baking tray. Bake for 5 minutes until golden brown.

7. To serve, quenelle the pea mousse on to a cold plate, before adding a rasher of bacon and Parmesan crumble on top. Serve with a pea shoot and rocket salad, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.

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