Wednesday 6 March 2013

Braised Lamb Shanks, Garlic & Thyme New Potatoes, Pea & Bacon Ragout

Braised Lamb Shanks served with Garlic & Thyme New Potatoes & A Pea & Bacon Ragout (Serves 4)

A wonderful family meal, full of late winter/early spring flavours...


Braised Lamb Shanks

4 Lamb Shanks
1 Large Onion
4 Cloves of Garlic
4 Sprigs of Rosemary
4 Sprigs of Thyme
2 Bay Leaves
1 Teaspoon Tomato Puree
250ml Red Wine
500ml Lamb or Chicken Stock

Garlic & Thyme New Potatoes

400g New Potatoes (Washed & Halved)
6 Cloves of Garlic (Crushed)
8 Sprigs of Thyme
50g Salted Butter
50ml Olive Oil

Pea & Bacon Ragout

300g Fresh or Frozen Peas
150g Back Bacon
30g Salted Butter
Small Handful of Fresh Mint


1. In a large casserole dish sweat off the onion, garlic, rosemary, bay leaves an thyme in a tablespoon of oil on a medium to high heat for around 5-10 minutes.

2. Once softened brown off the lamb shanks evenly and then deglaze the pan with red wine, to reduce the wine by half.

3. Stir in tomato puree, cooking for a further minute before adding lamb/chicken stock. Turn the hob down to a low heat, put a lid on and leave to braise for 2-3 hours or when the lamb starts to fall of the bone.

4. For the new potatoes, preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and place the new potatoes, oil, butter, garlic and thyme on a roasting tray making sure they are all mixed and incorporated together. Roast for 30 minutes, checking every 10 minutes to see if they're soft in the middle, but crisp on the outside.

5. For the pea and bacon ragout, caramelise the bacon in the butter for 5-10 minutes before adding the peas. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes until the peas have cooked through before taking off the heat and adding the chopped mint.

6. Serve immediately.

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