Sunday 3 March 2013

Chorizo and Red Pepper Risotto Recipe

Chorizo and Red Pepper Risotto (Serves 4)

An Italian classic, given a Spanish makeover...

Ingredients: 1 Onion (Peeled and Diced)
                           2 Sprigs of Thyme
                           1 Bay Leaf
                           2 Cloves of Garlic (Peeled & Finely Chopped)
                           1 Red Pepper (De-seeded & Sliced)
                           225g Chorizo (Diced)
                           1 Teaspoon of Paprika
                           A pinch of Saffron
                           400g Arborio Rice
                           125ml White Wine
                           200ml Passata
                           750ml Chicken Stock (Approx)


1. In a large pan fry off the onion, thyme, bay leaf, garlic, red pepper, paprika, saffron and chorizo in a tablespoon of oil for 5-10 minutes.

2. Once softened, add the rice and cook out for a further 1-2 minutes- by frying the rice you get improved results. 

3. After this, add the white wine and cook the alcohol content out. Swiftly after add your other liquids- Most recipes would say add the liquids bit by bit, but I've tried it both ways and it gets the same result.

4. Stir every 5 or so minutes to avoid the rice catching and continue to cook for 25-30 minutes until the rice is al dente (firm, but not hard) and the sauce has thickened.

5. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper and serve.

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