Wednesday 20 March 2013

Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe

Cream of Mushroom Soup (Serves 4)

A velvety, earthy soup- which can be made even more luxurious by adding a swirl of truffle oil...

Ingredients: 50g Salted Butter
                          300g Mushrooms
                          1 Onion
                          4 Cloves of Garlic
                          4 Sprigs of Thyme
                          500ml Chicken/Vegetable Stock
                          100ml Double Cream


1. In a medium sized pan, sweat the onions and garlic in the butter for 10 minutes on a medium heat until the onions have softened.

2. Than add the mushrooms and thyme, cooking on a high heat for a further 3 minutes. 

3. Add the stock, cook for 5 more minutes. Take of the heat, and stir in the double cream.

4. Season to taste with salt and ground black pepper, before blitzing in a food processor until smooth. If the soup is still not at the desired consistency, pass through a fine sieve or shinois.

5. Serve immediately.

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