An unusual infusion and flavour, that works beautifully as an ice cream...
Ingredients: 300ml Full-Fat Milk
300ml Double Cream
6 Egg Yolks
75g Caster Sugar
2 Good Quality Earl Grey Teabags
1. On a low to medium heat in a small-based saucepan, warm the milk, cream and teabags. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs and sugar together in a separate bowl.
3. Pressing the teabags against the saucepan squeeze out the remaining flavour, pour the cream and milk mixture into the eggs/sugar and whisk until fully incorporated.
4. Put the mix back into the saucepan and onto the heat for a further 5 minutes, whisking regularly to thicken.
5. Once thickened, pour into a ice cream machine and churn for an estimated 20-25 minutes or refer to the manufacturers handbook.
6. After churning store in airtight containers (to reduce the risk of freezer burn) and consume within 1 month.
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